Tuesday, July 12, 2005


One of my favorite places in the world is the Grand Tetons in Wyoming. I hiked through the Cascade Canyon in 1995 in the middle of a pretty powerful thunderstorm. The sound of the thunder echoing off the walls while getting washed with a rain shower was pretty intense.

It is easy to feel appreciative of our earth and her rich blessings when standing in a place of such raw power and beauty. It almost seems foolish not to say a prayer of thanks as well when in the presence of such majesty.

We certainly don't need to be in the presence of such natural beauty to offer up a word of thanks. After the recent death of a young girl in my son's preschool, this resonates with me even more. Every morning is a reason to give thanks. It is easy to forget when our days are slammed full of things we might not want to do. But each day is still a gift.

So, Thanks.

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