I'll admit it. When I first heard of the anatomically correct Chocolate Jesus, hanging crucified and exposing all of his anatomy, I was appalled, particularly in light of where we are in the church calendar.
Then I read this from David Kuo's J-walking blog:
In some ways it is actually the perfect piece of art for holy week because it reminds all of those who follow Jesus of how he was mocked and ridiculed, how he was scorned and beaten, how he was humiliated... and all because of his love for us. Those are good things for his followers to remember. Jesus' story isn't nice, it isn't neat, it isn't comfortable. It is the opposite of all of those things. In so many ways we want a sort of "chocolate Jesus" of our own - one that is sweet, one that demands little from us, one that we can mold into our forms - perhaps politically conservative, perhaps liberal, maybe happy with just a few of our dollars given to the poor every now and again, perhaps content with those who simply say they love him and then lead lives little different from anyone else.
Instead of having religious/political leaders getting all amped up over this "art," they should be spending time facing the real and very challenging Jesus found in the Gospels and encouraging others to do the same. I know that is what I need to do.
What a great reminder of our call to remember who Christ is and calls us to be and of how easy it is to miss the lesson that is often staring us in the face. Don't get me wrong. I am not impressed by the "art" displayed here, nor do I blame those who cry out in opposition at the offensiveness of the display. But Christ's life was not easy, nor is the life we are called to live.
Hey, if, on the eve of the day we celebrate Christ's death and resurrection, this helps to remind us of how Christ was mocked and ridiculed as he gave his life for us, then I'll just chalk this up as a timely lesson.