As youth minister, I am often challenged to demonstrate to skeptical teens how faith can have everyday relevance. Our dollar driven culture claims greater relevance, vying for the attention of teens and professions of their “faith” while making hollow promises of fulfillment. Christianity promises more but also asks for more - among other things, humility and selflessness. It is easy to see how the sirens of modern culture have grabbed an edge in the marketing battle.
When tragedy struck in Lancaster County, I couldn’t fathom the devastation visited upon that quiet Amish community when a gunman entered their schoolhouse. More profound than their loss, however, was how their community found their voice to forgive the killer and the compassion to embrace the killer’s family. They were visited by an unimaginable tragedy and responded with love and forgiveness.
Their faith is not a separate part of their lives to which they tend on Sabbath or merely a crutch to lean on in crisis. It has been woven so deeply into their person that it is who they are. And it is beautiful to behold.
They experienced a foundation shaking tragedy, yet their foundation proved unshakable. Could there be anything more relevant?