This World of ours is in trouble. When you look around and pay even a little bit of attention, it is impossible not to see it.
War, violence, hate, suffering, poverty, death, intolerance, apathy, indifference. The list could go on and on. It takes little imagination to anticipate Christ's reaction if he were to walk among us today. When he did walk on this earth, his presence was so powerful that a person could be healed without so much as touching if only they believed in his power. And when he would lay his hands upon someone, friend or foe, that person could not help but be healed.
While he remains physically absent, he does not walk as one of us and reach out his hand to embrace or comfort or to reassure. But we do. He gave his body, his life that we might be saved, that we might transcend the limitation of our own physical being and be with him. We are called then to do the same -- to give our bodies that we might be saved, that in using our hands and feet to do his work we might transcend the limitations of our flesh. Christ asks us to be his hands and feet in this world -- to give him a physical presence by doing his will. Whether we open our hands in prayer, extend our hands in assisting others, offer our time in service - we are called to be vessels for Christ.